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Course Outline
Assessment summary
Students’ improvement is assessed in a range of different tasks, both oral and written ones.

learning outcomes
Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:
Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:
Read and write short, simple texts related to daily life.
Communicate on topics related to daily life, e.g. asking and answering necessary information in places frequently encountered in daily life (public transportation, school, etc.).
Class Schedule
Week 1
Lesson 7
Week 2
Lesson 8
Quiz (L7 grammar & L8 new words)
Week 3
Lesson 9
Quiz (L8 grammar & L9 new words)
Week 4
Lesson 10
Quiz (L9 grammar & L10 new words)
Week 5
Lesson 11
Quiz (L10 grammar &L11 new words)
Week 6
Lesson 12
Quiz (L11 grammar & L12 new words)
Week 7
Final Exam
Written & Oral exam
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