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General Strategies for L2L

  1. Inspiring Guide for "Learn to Learn" (Erasmus+)

  2. Learning to Learn as a Key Competence and Setting Learning Goals (Make Learn)

  3. Learning to learn strategies help generate meaning for the new information that is to be learned (Science Direct)

  4. Learning how to Learn (NESS LAB)

  5. Learning how to learn Learning (Video)

  6. Learning To Learn: A Teacher's Guide

  7. Learning how to learn: teach your students the most effective learning techniques


Motivation and Self-esteem

  1. Summary of JK Rowling's Speech on Benefits of Failure (Video from a CBS MOOC)

  2. Self Worth Theory: The Key to Understanding & Overcoming Procrastination

  3. The Super Mario Effect - Tricking Your Brain into Learning More

  4. The psychology of self-motivation

  5. SELF CONFIDENCE - Best Study Motivation


Learning Reflection

  1. Learning how to learn (Video) (TED x Oakland University)

  2. A Reflective Mindset – The Secret to a Better and Longer Life

  3. Understanding Reflective Practice

  4. The secrets of learning a new language

  5. The art of focus – a crucial ability


Organizing Information

  1. Knowledge clip: Keeping research data organized (Video)

  2. Study LESS, Study SMART – What I Wish I Knew in College

  3. Planning & Organization: Crash Course Study Skills #4

  4. Insanely Effective Techniques to Memorize Vocabulary in a New Language

  5. Taking Notes: Crash Course Study Skills #1


Time Management

  1. Time Management by Prof Cao (PolyU) (Video)

  2. How to manage your time more effectively (according to machines)

  3. Why you procrastinate even when it feels bad

  4. How To Multiply Your Time

  5. Tim Urban: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator


Group Learning

  1. Group Learning through Six Thinking Hats (Video from a CBS MOOC)

  2. Cultivating Collaboration: Don't Be So Defensive!

  3. Are you an ideal team player?

  4. Why Collaboration Is An Individual Effort

  5. A guide to collaborative leadership



  1. Are Conscious Machines Possible?

  2. How AI Could Empower Any Business

  3. ​The 7 Stages of AI | AI Uncovered

  4. How ChatGPT Works Technically | ChatGPT Architecture

  5. What is Industry 4.0? | What are the key Industry 4.0 technologies

  6. How the AI Revolution Disrupts Societies

  7. ​Ethics of AI: Challenges and Governance

  8. Culture, Trust, and AI

  9. How will AI change the world? | TED-Ed

  10. Introduction: What to Expect from AI

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